Sunday, October 16, 2011

First day to inevitable!!

I am fine.

The first day - Bangalore started with a pool of vehicles thrashing the air infront of you without the care of slightest heart beat inside you. I was terrified more, once the gullies were witnessed with an arrow pointed from every luggage vehicle towards the human souls wandering to find the shortest path to reach the next point of travel. Anywayz, I reached my serviced apartment at peace with decent facilities to entertain me and luxurious living conditions.

Second day - I was not excited, nor was I thrilled to witness the first day at office. It was like a visit to some of the companies that you want to learn from. Everything is cool in this city. I mean everything - the weather, the people, the traffic inverse and even some of the animals. The entry into this office gave the taste of corporate lifestyle. The not so busy people showing there busy attitude, the fountains trembling to shower themselves and seek attention from some kind hearts, the buildings try to reach the sky so that the people inside can pride themselves of the heights they have reached. People are spellbound by such an atmosphere. I found it as an exit from the cheerful vibe the colleges carried.

Training sessions were conducted so that we could be equipped with the knowledge the company was carrying. An introduction was enough to understand that I understand nothing. The lunch at this place was one thing I liked, because of the participation from everyone in the four giants into this one place to share the efficacy some people had. The variation in the pace one eats was showcased with the gregarious atmospheres still persisting at some corners. I preferred the most inexpensive option to eat and gulped it down with the pace a normal human being might have. Once the bubbles cut my throats, I quenched the thirst and returned to the bombardment of connotations.

The evening arrived with the city lights fading the setting sun and the traffic showing you the way more clear than the dim sodium lamps. The room was set to poise me. I freshened myself with the scents. The dinner reminded home and I slept with the taste of the last bite.

Rohit V. Pandharipande

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Slog overs @ iitb

The thought of leaving this prestigious institute when I feel I have lots of questions unanswered, things are just starting to be explored to their potential level, and most importantly, to wave a bye to these freaking friends, is bumming!! Well, I am doing this for the fifth time in my life now. Emotions have died and the questions just keep accumulating. Life, huh!!

People around me are laughing a lot for the obvious reason that I have turned myself into a character of clown. Well atleast the laughter is around. The mere thought of managing everything by myself to have a living and introducing DISCIPLINE in my life, scares the hell out of me. Laughter is surely a requirement in such situations. A wise man (me ofcourse) said, if life is a vehicle, laughter is a fuel. But silence is the accelerator. I need to give that sometimes. Shit man!! Silence??

The slog overs have just started and I need to hit harder to have bigger targets for the chasers (Popularly known as juniors in colleges). Atleast, some motivation to work even when you know that whatever you are doing is of no f***ing help for the next step of your life. But wise men keep saying that nothing that you learn goes waste. Hope thats true!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long time!! Wassup?

These were the predominant lines in the last six months for various persons in life!! The aura was of chat. To answer this question for my life: First of all, MTech Project Stage 1, placed in Analog Devices and finally going through a selection procedure for PhD in Cambridge and thus in a job PhD dilemma. I dont like to praise myself much (I prefer people doing that for me. So comment really nicely). I went through some more "issues" ,except these, in parallel to the aforementioned tensions. To face all of them simultaneously was worth an experience. My hope was that they should melt down a little. But now with the continuous fight I had with myself, I feel I can handle it. (If not, some friends are really good). To learn that you learn by living, is a complicated but an awesome phenomena!! Complications complicate until you simplify it by a change in perspective of having a simple outlook to the defined problem. For more of these, login to facebook. I think people have such tag lines to release their stresses to the world.
Nowadays, my brain is a devil's workhop ( idle mind), with a slight pinch of academics (atleast a pinch is mandatory). Didnt know what to do on a Sunday (even though I have lots of studies to do), I thought of writing some stuff down.
I have lots of decisions to make and the worst part is: to be firm with the decision I make. How do you do that? It kills to be firm because of the exceptional adjustive nature I have. But as rightly said, anything extreme is bad. And I am a man of extremes. In short, I am bad!! Well, who isn't? Lets see how does it work out with the course of time.
Thats all I got for today it seems. I am quite confident that I will not blog for lot more days to come, but I hope to pick it up after reading some of the exceptional writing skills some of my friends have. I might not reach the unsurpassed level they have but atleast I could realize the reason to write things down!!
Meet you soon!! Till then, enjoy!! That helps!!